Friday, February 7, 2025
HomeRunningA win + a flop. First time I’ve done this…

A win + a flop. First time I’ve done this…

(the warmest coat I’ve ever used for running, leggings, shoes, beanie)

8 miles with Lauren at 8:28 pace and a 20 minute lower body strength class on the Peloton app. Those post workout snuggles when they are fresh out of bed are my favorite.

It’s that point in winter where I’m praying for spring to make an appearance sooner than normal.

I did a craft (if you can call this a craft). Brooke was shocked. I used these plastic vases and put the conversation hearts in between the medium and large-sized ones.

I am very into Valentines Day right now.

Beck’s exact words after one bite, “This actually changed my life.”

I adore the small sheet cakes at TJ’s and thought these would be a fun thing to try. I was beyond wrong. Brooke and I couldn’t even finish the bite, they tasted like pure batter in the middle.

This fried rice recipe was an absolute winner for dinner last night. We added shrimp, and everyone was very happy with it. I’m already looking forward to leftovers.

Gymnastics is still going strong over here for Skye. She had a fan club there watching her.

I have a question… I’ve been reading reviews on this supplement and it seems like a miracle worker in terms of energy and hair growth. The reviews are almost too good to be true so I am wondering if they are real revies. Has anyone tried this supplement? Tell me your thoughts on it!

Another free item that we got from my sister’s coupons, CHOM sweet potato fries. Brooke and I have both voted these the best sweet potato fries we have ever eaten (we each had our own, I couldn’t have shared these). If you are in Utah, I require you to go.


A question from Terese if anyone can help: “I’m wondering if anyone else has a super high heart rate when they run. No matter my speed, the temperature outside, indoors vs. outdoors, flat vs. hills, my heart rate is in the 170’s-180’s. I’d love to train for a marathon, but feel like I need to work on this first. I am talking with my doctor as well, but if anyone has any advice I’d love to hear it!”

Conversation hearts–> delicious or should not be eaten and only used as decorations?

-One of my children loves them (I’ll keep which one anonymous for their online reputation).

Are there any wins or flops from Trader Joe’s in your experience lately?

Is there anything that you have found to help lately with your overall wellness or energy?



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