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HomeOrganic FoodHow to manage your menopause with Wild Nutrition

How to manage your menopause with Wild Nutrition

In honour of World Menopause Day, we’ve teamed up with Wild Nutrition, the women’s nutritional health experts about how to manage menopause holistically. 

Menopause is a natural transitionary stage where we move away from child-bearing years into a stage that is characterised as “soul development” by Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicines.

In the words of Doctor Christiane Northrop, “Our fertility stops being about having children and starts being about what we create for ourselves that benefit us and the people around us”. 

First, a menopause recap 

Defined as an absence of menstruation for more than a year, menopause can also be determined by your GP through blood tests measuring changes in your hormones such as oestradiol, LH (luteinising hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). Usually occurring between the ages of 45 and 55, the average age in the United Kingdom is 51 years.

And before menopause…

Preceding menopause is perimenopause, which commonly occurs in your early 40s. This can begin with symptoms including: changes to your menstrual cycle, heavier bleeding, mood alterations and anxiety, disturbed sleep patterns, declining energy levels and vasomotor symptoms such as hot flushes or night sweats. 

Women who are tired, stressed and overworked often find perimenopause the most challenging. That’s why we recommend supporting the adrenal glands and energy systems early, with a holistic approach integrating nutrition, supplements, sleep and exercise. 

An empowering experience 

It’s important to remember that menopause isn’t a disease or an embarrassment. All women will experience it and it’s a natural progression to a different life stage, one that embodies mind, body and spirit. Supporting yourself through nutrition and emotional wellbeing can create a beautiful environment that’s experienced as a positive transition.

Lifestyle support

  • One body, many systems. Consider making well-supported dietary changes and include supportive foods such as fermented soya (only once in full menopause), flax seed powder (ground seeds, not the whole seeds), oily fish (trout, salmon, sardines, mackerel) and beans and pulses. Include as many colourful vegetables in your diet and make sure you are eating calcium rich foods to support healthy bones. Protein is also key which includes eggs, meat, fish, beans and pulses and nuts and seeds. 
  • Stress comes from all angles and can have a direct influence on the menopause. Set time aside for you. Indulge in something you love and don’t feel guilty. Laughter is the best medicine.
  • Environmental oestrogens can act as harmful hormone disruptors. Try to avoid cooking or heating food in plastics, using glass or crockery instead. Where possible minimise your use of chemical based cosmetics and cleaners, discover our full range here. And if you smoke, it can lead to earlier onset of menopause – might it be time to give up?
  • Vitamin B6 and magnesium, found in Wild Nutrition’s Women’s Daily Nutrient Bespoke Menopause Complex can support healthy energy production, hormone balance and psychological well being.
  • Wild Nutrition’s Menopause Support Trio is formulated to help support hormonal activity, support bones and joints and help with immunity 
  • In traditional cultures, natural plants including turmeric, Dong Quai and Ashwagandha have been used to support menopausal symptoms.

To find out how Wild Nutrition can support you before, during or after menopause, book a free consultation with one of their expert nutritional therapists. Discover the full range of Wild Nutrition supplements here.



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